Monday, February 28, 2011

first camping trip

We've had some really nice weather around here, and we took Magnolia on her first camping trip. In our family that means we go somewhere with good trout fishing for Peter and a good camp for me to hang out with some knitting. Baby makes things much more interesting on my end. On the way home from our trip, Peter said that he had a thought while fishing of what I was doing at that same moment. He thought I was probably doing something simple that was taking me forever to get done.

The amount of knitting accomplished on this trip was less than on any other camping trip. I really wanted to bring the dogs, Peter not so much, so yes they came along too. That may be their last camping trip ever. Campgrounds are not very big dog friendly, not to mention our dogs can be a pain in the ass. We (I) forgot to bring enough blankets and seriously it was so cold. Magnolia was fine because thank goodness I overpacked for her. This nice older couple gave us one of their heaters as a gift for night 2 and camping trips to come. The next morning he shared some poetry with me that he had written about Magnolia.

The second day fishing Peter lost three big fish right in a row. He said the chances of that happening were like winning the lottery. I will take his word on that.

And guess who got her poopy bottom washed off in the Elk River?

Thursday, February 24, 2011


Earlier this month, Peter turned 30. We celebrated with oysters and beer and friends and cake. I celebrated my 30th birthday a week later with the flu.

It seems so unreal to me turning 30, I never imagined what it would be like to be here. It is pretty nice. The sick fever brought on some heavy thoughts and feelings about life and self and lots of good inspiration for personal growth after a couple of days of feeling pretty down and well, sick. Or maybe it's the baby and being a mama, because I think that just hit me for real. Someone said recently that your thirties bring more happiness, contentment, and self-confidence.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Flu

The last couple of weeks or so has been pretty intense around here. We all got the flu. It started with Peter, and the baby and I followed. Complete with coughs and fevers. We have consumed mass amounts of tea and echinacea and have been free of the worst part for the last several days. We came out of the haze feeling stronger and excited about springtime and new beginnings. The weather has been beautiful- warm temperatures and sunshine- so we've been outside as much as possible and enjoying feeling better every minute. There is much to do around the house, I'll fill in all the details of our days after I regroup!

Friday, February 4, 2011

4 months old

Not long after Magnolia was born, my friend Lizzie and I were talking on the phone about being mamas and having babies. they are only babies for one year she said. I think of that's crazy. We are 4 months in, two thirds of the way left to go.

This past week our little baby started showing signs of turning into a bigger baby. She became more aware. She found her voice (its high and she squeals a lot!) She turned into a grabber. She loves that Mama and Daddy both have long hair. She seems to like some people more than others. I like how we she's becoming one of us, and I love how much we really like her!